March 2, 2018. (THE COLUMBIAN)
An investigator with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) who’s accused of raping a male co-worker’s girlfriend at a Hazel Dell residence entered not-guilty pleas Friday March 2, 2018 in Clark County Superior Court.
S/A Jonathan Sall, USCG, 56, of Poulsbo is charged with second-degree rape and indecent liberties without forcible compulsion in connection with the Feb. 17 incident.
Sall is a civilian employee with the Coast Guard Investigative Service (USCG CGIS) in Seattle and is the special agent in charge of the Coast Guard’s Northwest region.
He has been relieved of his position pending the outcome of the case, according to the Coast Guard.
He appeared out of custody for Friday’s hearing with Vancouver Attorney Jacy Thayer, an attractive Blue-eyed Blond.
His trial was set for July 23, after waiving his Right to a Speedy Trial.
According to an Affidavit of Probable Cause, Clark County sheriff’s deputies were called shortly after 6 a.m. to the Hazel Dell residence after Sall allegedly climbed into a male co-worker’s bed and sexually assaulted the male co-worker’s girlfriend.
The victim told deputies that she awoke about 3 a.m. to Sall inappropriately touching her. She kicked Sall away and demanded he get out of the couple’s bedroom. The commotion woke up the male co-worker, who saw Sall crawling out of the bedroom, court records said.
Sall told investigators that he was at the couple’s residence for a party and couldn’t remember much of what transpired overnight. He asserted his 5th Amendment Right Against Self-Incrimination declined to answer questions about the sexual assault, according to court documents.
( Prokop, J., Columbian Courts Reporter)
What does the Future hold for S/A Jonathan Sall? He has some important decisions to make. He appears to be a man who knows the System well, and he knows how to play the Game. Rumor has it that he has friends in high places.
He has a reputation for running a tight ship. He keeps his subordinates in line. They follow his directives explicitly, for good or for ill.
I have noticed that he makes it a Rule to deny Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties to those who come under his jurisdiction. When Coast Guard Commanding Officers of ships being investigated by his office address their crews concerning their Constitutional Rights, S/A Sall has accused them of Obstruction of Justice, and interfering with an investigation. This is putting it mildly, but I want to give him the benefit of doubt for now. I would not want to be accused of "piling on" while this S/A is in a vulnerable position.
He did not enter a Plea when he was arraigned and granted Bail. So he needs to get a good lawyer and go back to court and enter a Plea.
Gene Fiddell is a Coast Guard veteran Law Specialist. He has a reputation for representing military members at Courts-martial. He represented the Army deserter, Bowe Bergdahl. I have never heard of him representing a Coast Guard civilian employee in a civilian criminal court.
Personally, I would recommend that he try to get a Female lawyer. Considering the nature of the charges, a Female Attorney is a must. When a man is charged with Rape or sexual assault, he needs a woman to represent him.
Strategically and tactically speaking, getting a good female lawyer is a good move. Moreover, he should find a female layer who is more attractive than the victim or the complaining witness. If you have a male Judge or male court-members on the Jury, you have to get a leg up in the Beauty Contest that will inevitably occur at Trial.
These are some of the things that novice criminal trial lawyers frequently over look. They may lose sight of the psychological factors involved in trying a criminal case. It would be a mistake to allow witnesses in a Court-martial to testify in uniform. Their rank and ribbons are persuasive evidence to the Judge and the Jury. For instance, in the Court-martial of Cadet Webster Smith, the newly graduated female Ensigns were allowed to testify in uniform against Cadet Webster Smith in his cadet uniform. That was a big mistake.
Also, never let a Catholic Priest of other clergy testify in their religious garb. It lends too much credibility to their testimony. Never let a police officer testify in uniform. Enough said.
How is S/A Sall going to plead? I would wager, he will plead Not Guilty. If he has any hope of retaining his career with CGIS, he has no choice. A conviction will ruin him professionally.
What will be the Defense Strategy? Assuming he can find and he can afford a good, attractive Female Attorney, what will their Defense Strategy be? Will they Plea Bargain? Will he plead Not Guilty? Will they be able to find any dirt on his male co-worker who will testify against him? That is who called 911 on the night of the offense.
How clean is the victim? Can they find any dirt on her? What are her morals? Do they have a history together? Was the victim ever S/A Sall's girlfriend? Had they hung-out together before?
What will the DNA Tests show? Was S/A Sall's semen found in or on the victim? Was any found on the the victim's under wear, the bed sheet, carpet around the bed, or in any other room in the house? If so, was there semen from the male co-worker also? Or, anyone else who may have been at the Party?
I hope this is a Public Trial. I hope they allow cameras and reporters inside the court room.
Will he ask for a Speedy Trial? He has a Constitutional Right to a Public and a Speedy trial.
Or, will he wait and hope that the publicity will die down. It would be harder to seat a Jury that has not been tainted by the adverse publicity in the current atmosphere.
He denies these Constitutional Rights to those who come under his cognizance, but will he assert these for his own Defense?
Will he ask for a Jury Trial?
Who will be on the Witness List? Police Chief Bill Bratten? Chief of Coast Guard Home Land Security? Commandant of the U S Coast Guard? Coast Guard Pack Area Commander? Commander Benjamin Strickland, USCG (Retired)? S/A Aaron Woods?
Suppose he goes to Trial and is convicted, what then? Will he Appeal?
How long will the Coast Guard keep his job open for him? Through the Trial? Through an Appeal? Through two Appeals? Will he go all the way to the Supreme Court?
How much Justice can he afford? Attractive Female Lawyers are not cheap. She will probably ask for a Retainer (Fee) in the neighborhood of $30,000.00. And how long will that last? Investigating a case and preparing for trial will burn up a Retainer fast. The attorney probably bills out at $500 per hour, and $5,000.00 per day for Trial Time.
Then, she might have to hire a Private Investigator. That is an extra expense.
O J Simpson had a $12 Million Slush Fund. How much did he spend? Did he spend it all?
General Michael Flynn was going bankrupt and so he entered a Guilty Plea for a charge that he was innocent of. Special Counselor Robert Meuller was going after his son. General Flynn was burning cash fast, so he had to bite the bullet. He copped a plea to a crime he was not guilty of.
How long can S/A Sall fight this charge?
If he caves in he will lose his job, reputation, savings, and future.

25 Feb. 2018. VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) — Special Agent Jonathan Sall, the man in charge of the U.S. Coast Guard’s internal investigations in the Northwest Region has been arrested, charged with Rape, and released on $20,000.00 Bail. Special Agent (S/A) Sall has been temporarily relieved of duty.
The position of Special Agent in Charge of the Coast Guard CGIS Northwest Region is being temporarily filled by Special Agent Rick Cox.
(S/A) Sall of Poulsboll, Washington was arrested February 17, 2018 and booked into Clark County Jail on charges of 2nd degree rape.
After (S/A) Sall was arrested by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. He was transported to the Clark County Jail.
A search warrant was obtained for DNA collection.
He did not enter a plea at his first court appearance Tuesday, February 20.
The 56-year-old civilian had been serving as the Special Agent in charge of the Northwest region of the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS), which conducts investigations related to Coast Guard personnel, assets and operations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and Montana.
According to a probable cause statement filed in Clark County Superior Court, investigators found Sall attended a party at a male co-worker’s home in Vancouver. At about 3 a.m., they say, he climbed into his male co-worker’s bed and sexually assaulted the co-worker’s girlfriend while the male co-worker slept.
The victim of the alleged rape told Clark County deputies that she woke up around 3 a.m. to Sall sexually assaulting her while her boyfriend, Sall's co-worker, was asleep next to her, according to a probable cause affidavit. She said she kicked Sall, told him to leave and saw him crawl out of the bedroom on his hands and knees.
Special Agent Sall's male co-worker said he woke up and also saw Sall crawling out of the bedroom, the affidavit said. He called 911 to report the alleged abuse.
Sall was sleeping in the couple's home when deputies arrived. He claimed he had been there for a party the night before and couldn't remember what happened overnight, the affidavit said.
When asked specifically about the sexual assault, Special Agent Sall asserted his Fifth Amendment Right against Self-incrimination.
Sall said, "I have nothing more to say," according to the affidavit.
According to a United States Coast Guard Spokesman, Sall was stationed in Seattle as the Special Agent in charge of the Northwest region for the Coast Guard Investigative Service. He's since been removed from the position pending the outcome of the criminal case.
"Our primary concern is to make sure the victim in this case is provided all of the support needed," Coast Guard Lt. Dana Warr said, "[the victim's] privacy is protected and that justice is conducted in an objective and fair manner."
YWCA Sexual Assault Program Director Laurie Schacht says sexual assault crimes are prevalent in our communities, but are widely under-reported because victims often feel ashamed and embarrassed.
"I think anytime someone comes forward, it's a real act of courage," Schacht told KATU, "I am grateful that people are willing to speak up, but I also recognize how very difficult it is to do that."
YWCA Sexual Assault Program provides 24-hour legal, medical, and emotional support to victims of sexual assault and their families.
Special Agent Sall posted $20,000 bail and was released from custody.
Special Agent Sall has been relieved of this position pending the outcome of the investigation. The position of Special Agent in Charge of the Coast Guard CGIS Northwest Region is being temporarily filled by Special Agent Rick Cox. The Coast Guard is assisting local law enforcement to ensure a thorough and complete investigation.
The Coast Guard stated that its priority is to ensure the reported victim is provided the highest level of support possible and privacy is protected.
Poulsbo, Washington is located on Liberty Bay, a sheltered arm of Puget Sound. The population was 9,200 at the 2010 census. As a reminder of the city's early Scandinavian immigrants, downtown Poulsbo maintains a Scandinavian theme and is a popular regional tourist destination. One of its local products is now available worldwide, Poulsbo Bread, originally made in the local bakery. Many visitors arrive by boat; there are three marinas near the town, and the town's harbor is an excellent anchorage.
Six years ago, S/A Sall was a CGIS Special Agent in Miami, Florida.
Special Agent Sall has been relieved of this position pending the outcome of the investigation. The position of Special Agent in Charge of the Coast Guard CGIS Northwest Region is being temporarily filled by Special Agent Rick Cox. The Coast Guard is assisting local law enforcement to ensure a thorough and complete investigation.
The Coast Guard stated that its priority is to ensure the reported victim is provided the highest level of support possible and privacy is protected.
Poulsbo, Washington is located on Liberty Bay, a sheltered arm of Puget Sound. The population was 9,200 at the 2010 census. As a reminder of the city's early Scandinavian immigrants, downtown Poulsbo maintains a Scandinavian theme and is a popular regional tourist destination. One of its local products is now available worldwide, Poulsbo Bread, originally made in the local bakery. Many visitors arrive by boat; there are three marinas near the town, and the town's harbor is an excellent anchorage.
Six years ago, S/A Sall was a CGIS Special Agent in Miami, Florida.
Ship Surveyor Guilty in Ship Safety Case
Miami Man Convicted for Obstruction of Justice and False Statements for Certifying Ships Safe for Sea.
A federal jury in Miami yesterday convicted a Miami-based ship surveyor for lying to the Coast Guard and for falsely certifying the safety of ships at sea, announced Ignacia S. Moreno, Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division at the Department of Justice; Wifredo A. Ferrer, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; Rear Admiral William D. Baumgartner, Commander, 7th Coast Guard District; and Jonathan Sall, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Coast Guard Investigative Service.
Alejandro Gonzalez, 60, of Miami-Dade County, Fla., was convicted by a federal jury in Miami of three counts of making false statements to the U.S. Coast Guard and one count of obstruction of an agency proceeding. The defendant faces a maximum statutory penalty of five years in prison on each count.
The jury found Gonzalez guilty of lying to U.S. Coast Guard inspectors and a criminal investigator during an interview in April 2009 about the dry-docking of the M/V Cala Galdana, a 68-meter cargo vessel, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Gonzalez repeatedly claimed the vessel was dry-docked in Cartagena, Colombia, in March 2006, while evidence at the trial proved conclusively that the vessel was never in Colombia during 2006.
U.S. Coast Guard inspectors in San Juan discovered the vessel taking on water in August 2008 and requested information concerning the last dry-docking of the vessel. Gonzalez concocted a false story about the vessel being dry-docked in Colombia in 2006 when he knew it was not.
Gonzales was also convicted of falsifying documents in December 2009 for the M/V Cosette, a 92-meter cargo vessel. As the surveyor on behalf of Bolivia, Gonzalez certified the ship as safe for sea while the vessel was docked in Fort Pierce, Fla., in November 2009. When the vessel shortly thereafter arrived in New York City harbor, U.S. Coast Guard inspectors discovered exhaust and fuel pouring into the ship’s engine room, endangering the crew and the ship. For his action, Gonzalez was convicted of making a false statement and obstructing a U.S. Coast Guard Port State Control examination.
Assistant Attorney General Moreno and U.S. Attorney Ferrer commended the investigative efforts of the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard Investigative Services. The prosecution was handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jaime Raich and Trial Attorney Kenneth Nelson, of the Environmental Crimes Section of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division. Sentencing is currently scheduled for Aug. 2, 2012, in Miami.
A federal jury in Miami yesterday convicted a Miami-based ship surveyor for lying to the Coast Guard and for falsely certifying the safety of ships at sea, announced Ignacia S. Moreno, Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division at the Department of Justice; Wifredo A. Ferrer, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; Rear Admiral William D. Baumgartner, Commander, 7th Coast Guard District; and Jonathan Sall, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Coast Guard Investigative Service.
Alejandro Gonzalez, 60, of Miami-Dade County, Fla., was convicted by a federal jury in Miami of three counts of making false statements to the U.S. Coast Guard and one count of obstruction of an agency proceeding. The defendant faces a maximum statutory penalty of five years in prison on each count.
The jury found Gonzalez guilty of lying to U.S. Coast Guard inspectors and a criminal investigator during an interview in April 2009 about the dry-docking of the M/V Cala Galdana, a 68-meter cargo vessel, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Gonzalez repeatedly claimed the vessel was dry-docked in Cartagena, Colombia, in March 2006, while evidence at the trial proved conclusively that the vessel was never in Colombia during 2006.
U.S. Coast Guard inspectors in San Juan discovered the vessel taking on water in August 2008 and requested information concerning the last dry-docking of the vessel. Gonzalez concocted a false story about the vessel being dry-docked in Colombia in 2006 when he knew it was not.
Gonzales was also convicted of falsifying documents in December 2009 for the M/V Cosette, a 92-meter cargo vessel. As the surveyor on behalf of Bolivia, Gonzalez certified the ship as safe for sea while the vessel was docked in Fort Pierce, Fla., in November 2009. When the vessel shortly thereafter arrived in New York City harbor, U.S. Coast Guard inspectors discovered exhaust and fuel pouring into the ship’s engine room, endangering the crew and the ship. For his action, Gonzalez was convicted of making a false statement and obstructing a U.S. Coast Guard Port State Control examination.
Assistant Attorney General Moreno and U.S. Attorney Ferrer commended the investigative efforts of the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard Investigative Services. The prosecution was handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jaime Raich and Trial Attorney Kenneth Nelson, of the Environmental Crimes Section of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division. Sentencing is currently scheduled for Aug. 2, 2012, in Miami.
Ship Surveyor Guilty in Ship Safety Case

Yes, and if you read more about Sall's supervisor, CGIS Director Berkow, you will find out
ReplyDelete1) Berkow admitted to two separate inappropriate relationships or affairs while serving as the Internal Affairs Director at Los Angeles Police Department. LA County Government covered for Berkow and paid Berkow's sexual harrassment and retaliation accuser $1 million dollars.
2) Berkow was hired under the Papp administration, not the Allen administration. Perhaps Berkow's relationship to the fired NYPD Police chief Bratton helped him to manipulate the LA legal system and government to having the legal cases against him dismissed ? And also Bratton's influence helped to convince and amore Papp to hire Berkow (despite past revelations about Berkow) ?
3) The Coast Guard under the Sall's and Berkow's, et al. utilize CGIS and CG Legal Division to retaliate against those that report wrongdoing, waste, fraud and abuse.
Read more about those in the following article and also in the article's comment section:
Special Agent Jonathan Sall, the man in charge of the U.S. Coast Guard’s internal investigations in the Northwest Region has been arrested, charged with Rape, and released on $20,000.00 Bail. Special Agent (S/A) Sall has been temporarily relieved of duty. He was the Immediate Supervisor of CGIS S/A Aaron Woods, Base Kodiak, Alaska. They appear to have conspired to deprive CDR Benjamin Strickland of his Civil and Constitutional Rights. They Cyber Terrorized CDR Strickland, invaded his privacy, conducted an unlawful search of his private quarters while he was away on Regular Leave. They caused his PCS Orders to Italy to be cancelled. They ruined his career because he reported a sexual assault on his ship. CDR Strickland was acting within the scope of his regular duties as the Executive Officer of the ship. That was a very confusing situation. It is beginning to come into the light as more and more stones are overturned. These decisions were made high up the Chain-of-Command. We still do not really know why.
ReplyDeleteDo you know if Jonathon Sall was a CGIS Special Agent in Seattle back in the early 1990s? I had close to a career ending experience back in 1994 for reporting an ammunition inventory discrepancy at the armory at the CG Seattle pier. 24 years ago Sall would have been ~32 years old. I will never forget the harassment that my mom and a childhood friend received at the hands of investigator(s).
DeleteS/A Sall has a wife who I know to be one of the finest officers and more honorable people that I have ever known. I cannot imagine what she is going through. I pray that for her because whatever happened here,she is a victim too.