Thursday, September 5, 2019

Floating Coffins

"The Responsibility of a Coast Guard Commanding Officer for the safety of the ship‘s crew is absolute", said Vice Admiral Charles Wurster, Pacific Area Commander, at a press briefing for the Coast Guard‘s Integrated Support Command following the deaths of LT Jessica Hill and BM2 Steve Duque caused by the negligence of CAPT Doug Russell, CO; and CDR Jeffrey Jackson, XO; and LCDR James Dalitsch, OPS.
CDR John R. Bitterman was listening closely. That is one reason he chose not to go to sea on a Floating Coffin in Seattle, Washington. He pointed out some repairs needed to make his ship 💯% seaworthy. For this, among other things, he was given a Punitive Letter of Loss Of Confidence. He was relieved on command. And his spotless record fatally tarnished. His 28 year career was over. ADM Ray told him that he was going to be THE FALL GUY.
This is an outrage. CDR Bitterman was not brought up on charges under the UCMJ. He was lynched administratively. This is a gross miscarriage. This can’t be. It must be reversed.

In a nutshell, CDR Bitterman, this decorated Officer, was given a “Loss Of Confidence Letter” and relieved of command based on gossip, rumor and lies. He pointed out certain structural deficiencies that were long term. He did not want to skipper a floating coffin. The crew lacked discipline and complained through back channels. And some staff officers were quick to torpedo his career for various reasons: jealousy, envy, and to cover their own butts. They had been hiding structural and disciplinary problems for some time. CDR Bitterman became the Fall Guy because he would not play ball. #ucgc #justice

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